Monday, June 28, 2010

So its not all it appears.

So, it turns out this "Fix" doesn't actually work at all, the function still doesn't "Keep Me Logged In" as it properly should.
I have filed a bug report with Facebook themselves along with a detailed process of what has been done. Still no reply from them but I will be delighted to see if this is resolved.

Not surprisingly Facebook do continue to disappoint me as everyone very well knows the privacy settings are all stupid, quite honestly I looked into my own settings and found that ALL my information was on show to everyone, I've since re-done all the settings to how I would prefer it and it works so much better.

The new Javascript/Ajax pop-up messages for notifications? Ok why not just pension off the entire toolbar at the top, since you would no longer need it. Wait!! I believe they might have removed them, alas in the absence of a small popup we now have 100px by 100px icons of the friend in the notifications list alongside a brief overview of the notification.

Seriously Facebook need to get there act together and make something everyone would enjoy, perhaps a small modification to the Ajax chat? or if they are going to keep the new additions, why not have a rollback feature for those that dont actually use/like them?

I have ranted on enough, so take care everyone,

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