Thursday, October 06, 2011

Rest In Peace Steve

Today the news broke that Apple had lost its leading light, its father figure. Steve Jobs, the man behind the world famous Apple devices such as the iMac & iPhone and perhaps the most famous of them all the iPod, died peacefully yesterday.

Apple may not have always been the favourite technology company but with the guidance of Steve it created some of the worlds best devices which we all know and love.
The world without Steve will be quieter and it is known that no-one will ever be able to replace his passion for creating the next best thing for the people.

To quote Apple themselves: "The world is immeasurably better because of Steve".

As a personal note; I do send my condolences to Steve's family, friends and colleagues.

Goodbye for now Steve, We thank you for your time on this earth, and you will not be forgotten.

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