OK, so the UK has just seen the newest addition to the Pokemon franchise with the release of Pokemon Black 2 and Pokemon White 2 and as promised here is a release day review of the new games.
Overall since the release of the Black and White versions I feel that the game has grown in leaps and bounds, there are numerous changes to the game including some never before seen towns as well as some old faithful's in Pokemon such as Mareep.
In the terms of the plot, it seems as if it is somewhat shorter than that of its predecessors, almost as if it is chopping out some interesting key points to the storyline.
With the game set only two years after the events of Black and White it shows the player in a world where Cheren (a previous companion) is now only just a Gym leader, and Bianca is a assistant to the ever-helpful Professor Juniper. Team Plasma make a gratuitous return to the series with the group now split into two factions, one faithful to Ghetstis (who wants to control all pokemon) and the other faithful to N (who has now changed his ways and is all for trainers with pokemon), over the course of the game the two factions battle for supremacy in Unova. For the risk of spoiling the plot further I shall cease there with a plot overview.
Graphics have seen a major upheaval in the game, with new and improved camera angles to play with, some even visible from the outset of the game, admittedly the game does have a feel of the old-school about it, but thats the "joie de vivre" of the whole game and its legacy.
Music has also seen a major reworking in the game, with some incredible tunes making way into the game, it still maintains that feeling of the original Red. Yellow and Blue phase while incorporating some newer themes and genre.
Overall GameFreak and Nintendo have outdone themselves with the improved version, even if the game doesn't have its own title. I mean seriously, "Black 2" and "White 2"? I understand the game is set after the events of "Black" and "White" but it seriously needs its own name. otherwise it just feels cheesy. Having said that a full overhaul of the C-Gear makes up for the name Faux pas so I'm happy there.
My only big bugbear is the fact that the Keldeo event for the game was surprisingly limited in the UK with little or no promotion anywhere, not to mention, furious restrictions on the methods in which it can be obtained.
I would have to say the follow about the game
10/10 for graphics
10/10 for music
5/10 for Events
9/10 for plot (somewhat short and over too soon)
?/10 for connectivity (to be tested)
Overall a score of 44/50 (not including multiplayer in the final score just yet)
Thanks GameFreak and Nintendo for a wonderful game and a glorious series, may there be many more like this.
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