Thursday, February 24, 2011

Update on Horizon!

Sorry for all the delays everyone, things have been extremely hectic for me in the past few weeks.

Thankfully now things are beginning to slow and I will be able to update more.

All the previous planned updates have now been scrapped since they are considered "old" news.

I have now updated it with newer updates which shall be completed by this Saturday.

Please feel free also to view my new Blog which will showcase interesting and fun things to do with tech. TechBiscuit

Thanks for staying with me everyone.


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Blog reworked.

Certain things around the blog are changing.

For example Blog Notes has now been discontinued and the planned updates now features a new system.

Green updates indicate that they are next in line for updating, Any red ones indicate they may be removed and not covered. Any Blue updates indicate they refer to my other blog, TechBiscuit, go check it out.. loads more content coming soon.

All for now

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Not Entirely Amused

Ok, so this isn't a planned update.. however i feel it needs voicing.

I'm all for watching new talent on youtube, be it singing, guitar or whatever. What I don't like is watching a video proclaiming someone has performed a talent when there is a distinct clue on the video that gives away a error.

I refer to a video I recently watched about someone performing a version of Through The Fire and Flames on Guitar Hero 3.
While the video quite clearly only shows them in the room it doesn't distract from the fact the sound of the game is out by over a second and also that the Xbox 360 shown in the room has a 2nd controller switched on.

This allows the 2nd controller to appear to be playing when in actual fact it doesn't do anything to the screen, the player one is the one in control of the screen.

Granted the sound delay can be due to a bad camera but the Xbox needs to clearly visible and showing only one controller switched on.

Sorry but thats my thoughts.

Thursday, February 03, 2011


Ah the ecstatic taste of delight.

Why might you ask?

Well, after tomorrow afternoon I might be the owner of a new desktop tower, I've been helping diagnose problems with it and from what I have been told the owner no longer wants it.
So, now i might have that tower my life gets better.

On another plus side I've been out and bought myself Forza Motorsport 3: Ultimate collection ata bargain price.

Rest assured I shall be reviewing the game once i near its completion, so far it looks to be a promising ride.

All for now

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Multitude Of Posts

Hello everyone,

Right the short version of this is my scheduled plan of posts is being thrown to the wind since I have more posts to do, I hope to bring you everything i had planned to.

But for now i will be bringing news of

  • Blu-ray
  • Rockstars Newest Game LA: Noire
  • YTHD (YouTube HD)
Plus, so much more.

Keep you eyes peeled for more posts and developments on DotHorizon
