Friday, December 30, 2011

LA Noire

Ok, so I recently got LA: Noire to play.

For those that don't know LA: Noire is one of the latest offerings from Rockstar Games. Featured in Los Angeles in the year 1947, It bases the storyline around an ex military person by the name of Cole Phelps (Hard to forgot, he mentions it countless times throughout the game).

I will be frank with my review of the game (its not a complete review owing to the point I haven't actually completed it to 100% yet).

I find the game itself is rather good in its graphics side, sound and actually game play are quite good as well.
However, having said that, the game unfortunatly is fraught with bugs, some big and some small.

The bugs I've uncovered so far are:

  • Convertible cars (When driving without your partner) freeze on crossroads/intersections.
  • Phelp's "Nash" car lifts up when driving on concrete paths (by the Tar-Pits, BEFORE the Black Dalhia case's)
  • Sound is lost on some cutscenes (Only Phelps' speech)
  • Steering can sporadicly lock and cause the car to jerk to one side.
  • AI cars can sometimes pull out infront of the police car (With siren on) causing a crash.
  • Graphics on close-up items (Such as envelopes, sheets of paper, white cups, and white shirts) Appears glitchy and blocky (Heavily compressed textures?)
  • During and after the Black Dalhia case's Phelps is unable to enter the Nash car in parking bay 2 of the Central police station.

Other than the above, I find the game to be very enjoyable and it does make a change from the traditional setting that is found in Grand Theft Auto.

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