Thursday, April 01, 2010

Windows 7: The Verdict

So 7 arrived and I've installed it on my machine, it took just 20 minutes to install (No joke!!). Since its been installed I've been scouting around to see how it works and what the major changes are to the system.

Can't say that I found many changes, the arcitecture seems to be built around the XP system with Vista's graphics.

The performance of 7 on here is fantastic, on 1GB of RAM and a Intel Core 2 Duo processor it works relativly well, 59 seconds to boot from pressing the on button, and 22 seconds to shutdown (Not accounting for updates to be configured). Also these are the notes I have collected from the task manager.


CPU Usage: 40 - 50 (Percent %)

Physical Usage: 70-80 (Percent %)


CPU Usage: 0-20%
Physical Usage: 45 - When totally idle
Physical Usage: 56 - When running 2 programs

So after 3 days of testing it, I find 7 to be a good OS, its so far living up to its hype on the market, and I look forward to using it more.

However, if you plan on using the 32-bit version/system, Make sure you have atleast 2GB of RAM in your system, and for 64-bit versions/systems, make sure you have atleast 4GB of RAM, this will ensure it will run smoothly and perform to your expectations.

This is all for now.

All the best,


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